2016 - 21 Bachelor of Arts “Multimedia and Communication“ at school of applied sciences in Ansbach, Germany. Major in film and audio - production. Thesis- Project: Documentary movie about the perspective on Maori people in white ethno film
2020 Study abroad at Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. Maori leadership, Media of the pacific, Creative writing, business in a changing world
since 2018 Scholarship “Elite-Network Bavaria“ for Bavaria’s top 3% students
2018 Internship in TV- production at Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian TV broadcast station) in Nuremberg, Germany (6 months)
2015 - 16 Bachelor of Science program „Media communication“ at Julius-Maximilian- University in Würzburg, Germany (two semesters)
2014 High-school A-level (Abitur), mark 1.9
Practical Experiences
2021 Assistant to the head of production at Markenfilm Hamburg GmbH (full time)
2020 Multimedia and live-stream responsible at Institute for Strategic Leadership in Auckland, New Zealand (4 months, part-time)
2018 - 20 Graphic-designer / PA at Bayerischer Rundfunk - (Bavarian TV broadcast station) in Nuremberg, Germany (2 years, part-time)
2016 - 21 Founder and CEO of my own company: “Nuremberg Free Walking Tours“ Franchising and leading a team of international self- employed tour-guides.
Since 2016 Self-employed tour leader for high-quality cultural and culinary bicycle tours Europe-wide (i.e. Italy, Baltic states, France), run by Terranova Touristik
Since 2016 Self-employed multimedia journalist: Photography and videography, editing, camera, sound-design (i.e. for Radio Charivari 98.6 and Terranova Touristik)
2014 - 15 Various work experience in Australia. I.e. at a restaurant in Sydney (4 months)
Language: German (native), English (fluent - C1 /DAAD ***** certified), Italian (fundamental)
Tech: Adobe Suite, AVID Pro Tools and Media Composer, MS Office, various Live-Streaming and Social Media software, MAX MSP (interactive audio), TV and sound studio, Pre Producer, FadeIn screenwriting software, Cinema 4D, Sony Alpha, Sony Z280, various lighting equipment
Other: Driver’s license (+trailer), passenger transportation license, first aid attendant license, multiple soft-skill and career trainings within my Max Weber schoolarship